
Digitalisation of Learning Spaces: Practical views on contemporary digital phenomena

Digitalisation of Learning Spaces: Practical views on contemporary digital phenomena – Part 1: Curricula

Lecturer: Jari Laru (Learning and Learning Processes Research Unit, University of Oulu)

Institution: University of Oulu, Finland

Runtime: 00:09:49

Licence: CC-BY-ND 4.0

Upload: 07.11.2023


In the first part of the lecture, Jari Laru looks at how education should be reframed in the light of digitalisation. He first presents the “Framework for Core Skills for Life and Work in the 21st Century”, which on the one hand defines basic technological skills, but also includes digital competences as transversal to all other skills, e.g. communicative, collaborative, cognitive and metacognitive skills. Jari Laru then talks about the Finnish New Literacies Programme, which proposes concrete guidelines for teaching digital literacy.

The video was recorded on 26 April 2023 as part of the TESTEd lecture series. It is the first part of a four-part series on “The Digitalisation of Learning Spaces”.

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Digitalisation of Learning Spaces: Practical views on contemporary digital phenomena

Digitalisation of Learning Spaces: Practical views on contemporary digital phenomena – Part 2: Learning Spaces

Lecturer: Jari Laru (Learning and Learning Processes Research Unit, University of Oulu)

Institution: University of Oulu, Finland

Runtime: 00:11:03

Licence: CC-BY-ND 4.0

Upload: 07.11.2023


In the second part of the lecture, Jari Laru discusses the importance of open and constructive learning spaces in building digital literacy, enabling learners to work collaboratively, communicatively, creatively, and foster problem-solving. As an example, he presents the Digital Learning Lab at the University of Oulu and discusses the possibilities of hybrid teaching and learning.

The video was recorded on 26 April 2023 as part of the TESTEd lecture series. It is the second part of a four-part series on “The Digitalization of Learning Spaces”.

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Digitalisation of Learning Spaces: Practical views on contemporary digital phenomena

Digitalisation of Learning Spaces: Practical views on contemporary digital phenomena – Part 3: AI

Lecturer: Jari Laru (Learning and Learning Processes Research Unit, University of Oulu)

Institution: University of Oulu, Finland

Runtime: 00:16:47

Licence: CC-BY-ND 4.0

Upload: 07.11.2023


In the third part of the lecture, Jari Laru considers how AI will change the educational landscape for students and teachers, as well as our everyday lives. He, then, discusses what we should teach students in the age of AI, emphasising the importance of critical information literacy. Jari Laru talks about digital footprints and related data security issues, before introducing the Generation AI project, which addresses emerging educational needs by developing pedagogical models and educational technology for the AI era.

The video was recorded on 26 April 2023 as part of the TESTEd lecture series. It is the third part of a four-part series on “The Digitalisation of Learning Spaces”.

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Digitalisation of Learning Spaces: Practical views on contemporary digital phenomena

Digitalization of Learning Spaces: Practical views on contemporary digital phenomena – Part 4: AI tools for the classroom

Lecturer: Jari Laru (Learning and Learning Processes Research Unit, University of Oulu)

Institution: University of Oulu, Finland

Runtime: 00:15:09

Licence: CC-BY-ND 4.0

Upload: 07.11.2023


In the fourth part of the lecture, Jari Laru presents classroom tools developed by the Generation AI project that aim to improve students’ understanding of AI and do not pose data security risks to students. He will present an image classifier tool that can be used to introduce students to machine learning technologies.

The video was recorded on 26 April 2023 as part of the TESTEd lecture series. It is the fourth part of a four-part series on “The Digitalisation of Learning Spaces”.

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