
Policy Paper

Equipping school systems for societal, economic, environmental and technological change is at the heart of Europe’s mission to create a European Education Area. As a cornerstone in the preparation of future generations, teachers need to be supported to acquire the relevant competences to integrate cross-cutting issues, from sustainability to digitalisation to democratic education, into their teaching and to foster interdisciplinary competences in their classrooms.

To advocate for the integration of cross-cutting issues in teacher education and practice, the TESTEd consortium has published a policy paper with recommendations for initial teacher education, continuous professional development and whole school approaches. The analysis in this paper highlights significant gaps in student competencies and teacher preparedness, underscoring the need for a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to teacher education.

The paper is online here.

It was developed as a joint effort of the project’s beneficiaries: Ruhr University Bochum, University College Cork, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Univerdad de Sevilla, University of Oulu and the AKADEMIE of Ruhr University.

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Publication of TESTEd Teacher and Student Portfolios

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The second international research exchange

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Roundtable discussion

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TESTEd goes north – international Makerspace in Oulu

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TESTEd Winter School

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