In the TESTEd project, universities, CPD providers and schools work together to develop and implement the European Syllabus for teacher education. Furthermore, other stakeholders in teacher education support the Syllabus development and quality assurance in the project through their critical feedback and input.
Our Members
Ruhr University Bochum
Academie of Ruhr University
University College Cork
Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Universidad de Sevilla
University of Oulu

Associated partners
The TESTEd consortium includes multiple, European schools in secondary education from Germany, Spain, and Portugal, which give essential feedback on the implementation and feasibility of the European Syllabus. Furthermore, the schools are involved in the student research exchange, offering incoming education students (or we can use pre-service teachers) the opportunity to visit and gather data at their schools, and engage in CPD actions.
Other regional stakeholders in teacher education (i. e. teacher unions, communal education policy makers, student representatives, parent groups, …) are involved in TESTEd as critical friends. The critical friends give feedback on the project’s strategic and political impact, offer further perspectives and input on deliverables and distribute project outcomes to their contacts. Additionally, the project’s governance structure intends annual exchanges with an advisory board including a wide circle of critical friends from all participating countries.