
Gender Equality at Schools or University Provides a Better Learning and Teaching Environment

Gender Equality at Schools or University Provides a Better Learning and Teaching Environment – Part 1: Feminism

Lecturer: Patricia Álvarez Sánchez (Traducción e Interpretación, University of Malaga)

Institution: University of Malaga, Spain

Runtime: 00:20:31

Licence: CC-BY-SA 4.0

Upload: 07.11.2023


In the first part of this lecture, Patricia Álvarez Sánchez defines the concept of feminism and sketches a short history of the movement from proto-feminism to fourth wave feminism. Patricia Álvarez Sánchez then talks about the state of female representation today and addresses the gender gap in employment. Furthermore, she discusses the challenge of heteronormativity in third wave feminism and the inclusion of different classes, races, and sexual orientations, before introducing concepts of empowerment that tackle the marginalization of women.

The video was recorded on 12 April 2023 as part of the TESTEd lecture series. It is the first part of a four-part series on “Gender Equality in Learning and Teaching”.

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Gender Equality at Schools or University Provides a Better Learning and Teaching Environment

Gender Equality at Schools or University Provides a Better Learning and Teaching Environment – Part 2: Legislation

Lecturer: Patricia Álvarez Sánchez (Traducción e Interpretación, University of Malaga)

Institution: University of Malaga, Spain

Runtime: 00:18:41

Licence: CC-BY-SA 4.0

Upload: 07.11.2023


In the second part of her lecture, Patricia Álvarez Sánchez discusses legislation that promotes gender equality in the countries participating in the TESTEd project – Spain, Germany, Finland, Ireland, and Portugal. She goes on to talk about constitutional acts and legislation affecting educational content and teaching practices in Spain as well as their implementation in schools and universities.

The video was recorded on 12 April 2023 as part of the TESTEd lecture series. It is the second part of a four-part series on “Gender Equality in Learning and Teaching”.

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Gender Equality at Schools or University Provides a Better Learning and Teaching Environment

Gender Equality at Schools or University Provides a Better Learning and Teaching Environment – Part 3: Implementation in the classroom

Lecturer: Patricia Álvarez Sánchez (Traducción e Interpretación, University of Malaga)

Institution: University of Malaga, Spain

Runtime: 00:29:58

Licence: CC-BY-SA 4.0

Upload: 07.11.2023


In the third part of her lecture, Patricia Álvarez Sánchez talks about the implementation of gender diversity in classrooms. She discusses the inclusion of women as role models to raise awareness of women’s achievements, the rejection of stereotypes as well as the importance of inclusive language. Introducing concrete examples for teaching, Patricia Álvarez Sánchez speaks about the importance of promoting gender equality across the curriculum. Here, she showcases literature and social media resources that can be used by teachers to include women’s accomplishments in their classrooms.

The video was recorded on 12 April 2023 as part of the TESTEd lecture series. It is the third part of a four-part series on “Gender Equality in Learning and Teaching”.

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Gender Equality at Schools or University Provides a Better Learning and Teaching Environment

Gender Equality at Schools or University Provides a Better Learning and Teaching Environment – Part 4: Further information

Lecturer: Patricia Álvarez Sánchez (Traducción e Interpretación, University of Malaga)

Institution: University of Malaga, Spain

Runtime: 00:05:56

Licence: CC-BY-SA 4.0

Upload: 07.11.2023


In the fourth part of her lecture, Patricia Álvarez Sánchez showcases resources where (student) teachers can find information and/or help in teaching gender diverse classrooms. She also introduces different research groups in Spain, for example the Research Institute for Gender and Equality at the University of Malaga.

The video was recorded on 12 April 2023 as part of the TESTEd lecture series. It is the fourth part of a four-part series on “Gender Equality in Learning and Teaching”.

Show notes

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