
TESTEd Makerspace Event 2023 in Cork

The TESTEd consortium partner UCC recently hosted for three days of design thinking and creativity the TESTEd ‘Makerspace’ hybrid event.

Makerspaces are innovative learning environments that encourage hands-on, project-based learning, empowering educators to nurture students‘ creativity and problem-solving skills. The Makerspace event encouraged attendees to consider the question, „How might we create open educational resources to teach about gender sensitivity, multilingualism, digitalisation of the classroom, democratic citizenship and education for sustainable development?“

Led by UCC project co-ordinators from the School of Education – Senior Lecturer Design Thinking Pedagogy and Praxis, Dr Briony Supple, and Research Support Officer Nico Lorenzutti, along with expert facilitators, artists and student panellists, the hybrid event involved “intensive making, playing, learning, talking and laughing”, even including Lego for some “serious play”.

The event culminated with pitches for the open educational resources by student participants live in Cork and taking part virtually from Seville, Braga, Bochum and Oulu, the results of which were captured by illustrator Maia Thomas.

To find out more about the TESTEd project and network, check out: https://tested-network.eu/.

Pitch Presentations

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