3 April 2025 – Ruhr University Bochum
Ruhr University Bochum and the Professional School of Education invite you to the international Closing Conference of the EU-funded project TESTEd (Towards a European Syllabus in Teacher Education) on the topic of international, cross-curricular teaching and learning practices in teacher education on the 3 April 2025.
The conference will take place at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, and at the following TESTEd partner universities, that will offer hybrid participation opportunities for local scientists:
- University College Cork
- Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Braga)
- Universidad de Sevilla
- University of Oulu
Europe faces demographic, climatic, economic, technological, and political challenges for which its education systems must prepare future generations. As teachers are at the heart of our education systems, it is important to prepare them for these cross-cutting challenges in order to ensure high quality education for all young people. Cross-cutting issues are not a local phenomenon – they are international and relevant to teacher education across Europe., Therefore, teacher education can only succeed if we work together and integrate the wealth of experience and good practices from other countries into national education systems. Within TESTEd, we followed this guiding principle and looked at how we can advance teacher training together and in line with European values. True to the motto: learning from each other – shaping the future together.
Since June 2022, the TESTEd project has been working on a European Syllabus to integrate five cross-cutting issues in teacher education.
The five cross-cutting issues of TESTEd are:
- Education for sustainability
- Democratic education and active citizenship
- Gender diversity and equality
- Multilingual classrooms
- Digitalization of learning environments
At the conference, we will look back together on three years of TESTEd and present our Syllabus, but we will also look into the future of teacher education and discuss perspectives for schools and teacher education.
Our conference offers a scientific audience, teachers, doctoral candidates, students and schools a platform to present their research work, projects and teaching activities in the field of the five cross-cutting interdisciplinary topics. You can also look forward to exciting scientific symposia and workshops on the project topics, which will enable you to engage intensively with European researchers and take away new ideas for your own teaching at schools or universities.
Research on the integration of the five cross-cutting issues in teacher education can be presented in various formats Among other things, there will be poster presentation, workshops for teachers or symposia. The evening will conclude with a panel discussion and a conference dinner.
Please contact us at any time if you have further questions: tested-erasmus@rub.de

Conference Programme
02.04 – Conference Warming
On 2 April, TESTEd offers a conference warming on from 5 p.m to 7 p.m at the Bergbaumuseum Bochum. At this conference warming, we will discuss policy recommendations for the implementation of cross-cutting issues in schools and teacher education, with representatives from politics, research and schools. An impulse presentation will provide an overview on challenges and chances for the integration of cross-cutting issues. To support networking, a tour through the mining museum will be offered beforehand (3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.).
Join the discussion and register for the conference warming with your registration for our conference.
03.04 – Conference Day
09:00 | Registration |
10:00 | Welcoming Speech – Rector’s Office of the Ruhr University |
10:15 | Welcoming Speech – TESTEd Consortium |
10:30 | Keynote Prof. Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers (Professor of Education Management and Lifelong Learning, DHBW) “Future Skills – Rethinking Higher Education for tomorrow” |
11:30 | Poster Gallery |
12:30 | Lunch Break |
13:30 | Single Paper Sessions (for more information click here) |
15:00 | Network & Coffee Break |
15:30 | Workshops (for more information click here) |
18:00 | Conference Dinner |
The Call for Participation closed on 15 November 2024.