Sophie Ingenillen

Summer school in Braga

Summer school in Braga

Short summary

  • TESTEd Summer School in Braga, 24-28 October 2023
  • Developing a common vision of the first European Syllabus framework

TESTEd Summer School in Braga, 24-28 October 2023

In October 2022, all TESTEd partners gathered in Braga, Portugal, for a one-week summer school. During this event, partners worked collaboratively on the first framework for a European Syllabus along the five cross-cutting issues of Education for a Sustainable Development (ESD), democratic education and fostering active citizenship, gender sensitivity in teaching and learning, an open and inclusive approach to multilingualism and diversity as well as the digitalization of learning spaces.

This was an important step forward in the TESTEd project and laid the foundation for further developments in the coming project years.

The summer school provided a unique opportunity for partners to exchange ideas and share best practices from their educational systems. This collaborative effort helped to ensure that the framework will be robust, comprehensive, and meets the needs of students and teachers across Europe. It also helped to establish a common vision and understanding of the European Syllabus, which will be essential for its successful implementation.

Developing a common vision of the first European Syllabus framework

We considered this summer school to be a crucial working step towards achieving the TESTEd project’s goals. The outcomes of this event formed the basis for future developments and ensured that the project remained on track to achieve its objectives.

We are already looking forward to the next summer school in 2024, which will take place in Seville.

News & updates

Find out more about TESTEd events, meetings, new publications or materials or to follow the development and implementation of the European Syllabus in initial and in-service teacher education at the participating universities.

Publication of TESTEd Teacher and Student Portfolios

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Policy Paper

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Roundtable discussion

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TESTEd goes north – international Makerspace in Oulu

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“TESTEd” or want to get in contact, please do not hesitate
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