
Empowering Voices for a Sustainable Future – Teaching Material

Empowering Voices for a Sustainable Future_Download

Authors: Frederike Linge, Clara Lübbert, Dennis Nalewaja, Lea Niemeyer und Lorenz Wagner

Edited: Marie Vanderbeke

Institution: Ruhr University Bochum

Licence: CC-BY-ND 4.0

Upload: 30.07.2024


To develop students’ creative and digital skills, as well as their knowledge of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this lesson provides input for lesson plans in which students first learn about the UN SDGs and then create their own digital Open Educational Resources (OER) to share their knowledge with the class and beyond. The material includes pedagogical explanations, worksheets to introduce the SDGs and help create the OER, as well as links to other materials, videos and software that may be of interest.

Students from the Ruhr University Bochum designed this teaching material in the first hybrid, international Maker Space in 2023, organised by University College Cork. It is published in German.


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