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Welcome to the News & Updates section of TESTEd!

Here, we will provide you with the latest developments related to our project, including new partnerships, research findings, and innovative solutions we are developing to enhance the quality of education and training. Stay tuned for insights and perspectives from our team of experts and partners, as well as from stakeholders and users who are benefiting from our project.

Policy Paper

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Roundtable discussion

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TESTEd goes north – international Makerspace in Oulu

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TESTEd Winter School

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Meeting of the Teacher Academies

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Expert Meetings

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TESTEd Newsletter

Here, you can find the news magazine of the TESTEd project. In it, we report on all the project activities, provide further insights into project life and share the most important upcoming data, publications and plans.

The TESTEd newsletter is published every two months. If you would like to receive it, have any feedback on the newsletter or would like to submit your own contribution, please contact: tested-erasmus@rub.de

  1. TESTEd Newsletter 01
  2. TESTEd Newsletter 02
  3. TESTEd Newsletter 03
  4. TESTEd Newsletter 04