TESTEd teacher portfolios
Authors: Jessica Böcker, Christine Linster, Elena Kerling
Edited: Marie Vanderbeke, Patricia Janicki, Eugenia Seibel
Institution: AKADEMIE der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Licence: CC-BY-ND 4.0
Upload: 31.01.2025
One of the main goals of TESTEd is to support teachers in the integration of the following cross-cutting issues in their classroom:
- Education for a Sustainable Development (ESD)
- Democratic education and fostering active citizenship
- Diversity and equality of gender and sexual identity
- Multilingualism
- Digitalization of learning environments
This portfolio for teachers is supposed to assist them in their self-directed learning with their individual goals.
The portfolio encourages teachers to reflect on the relevance of cross-cutting issues in both their private and professional lives, activating prior knowledge and helping them set personal priorities for their work and continuous professional development. It includes a self-assessment of their teaching competencies across the issues, enabling them to identify areas where further development is needed.
The teacher portfolio is available in all five languages of the TESTEd consortium: English, Finnish, German, Portuguese, and Spanish. You can find the links for the download below: