Gender sensitivity in teaching and learning
Part 1 - Why „We Should All Be Feminists”?
Lecturer: Prof. Sara González Ángel
Institution: Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Runtime: 00:14:42
Licence: CC-BY-ND 4.0
Upload: 22.07.2024
Sara González Ángel explores the true meaning of feminism, emphasising equality. She highlights how societal and educational influences shape gender roles, showing that inequalities are learned. Alarming statistics show widespread gender inequality, stressing the crucial role of teachers in identifying and challenging gender biases and the need for educational reforms.
Feminism is presented as a movement against sexism, which is seen as a vital force for social justice. The influence of digital media in maintaining gender stereotypes is analysed, with a focus on the importance of digital literacy. An open discussion about feminism is encouraged to challenge misconceptions and promote understanding among students of all genders.
The video was recorded on 03 April 2024 as part of the TESTEd lecture series. It is part one of a six-part series on “Gender sensitivity in teaching and learning”.
Show notes
- Chimamanda, N. (2014). “We should be all feminists”:https://www.chimamanda.com/we-should-all-be-feminists/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hg3umXU_qWc&t=1s
- De Beauvoir, S. (1949). “The second sex”.
- Hooks, B. (2000). “FEMINISM IS FOR EVERYBODY: Passionate Politics”.
- Gender Equality Index https://eige.europa.eu/gender-equality-index/2022/country
Gender sensitivity in teaching and learning
Part 2 - Feminism and Adolescence
Lecturer: Prof. Sara González Ángel
Institution: Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Runtime: 00:13:24
Licence: CC-BY-ND 4.0
Upload: 22.07.2024
Sara González Ángel examines the impact of gender roles and feminism during adolescence, demonstrating how contemporary education could address gender sensibly. She analyses how gender roles result in inequality in various social environments, including education, sports, and the family.
In her lecture, she highlights the increase in gender-based violence and mental health issues among European adolescents, underlining the need for education on gender sensitivity, responsible social media use, and emotional intelligence, concluding with a call for a more inclusive educational environment.
The video was recorded on 03 April 2024 as part of the TESTEd lecture series. It is part two of a six-part series on “Gender sensitivity in teaching and learning”.
Show notes
- Harding, N. A. (2020). Co-constructing feminist research: Ensuring meaningful participation while researching the experiences of criminalised women.Methodological Innovations, 13(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/2059799120925262.
Gender sensitivity in teaching and learning
Part 3 - Education and Gender Bias
Lecturer: Prof. Sara González Ángel
Institution: Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Runtime: 00:27:30
Licence: CC-BY-ND 4.0
Upload: 22.07.2024
In this part of the lecture, Sara González Ángel addresses the role of gender in education, exploring how gender dynamics shape career decisions and the prevalence of biases in mental health research.
In a discussion with her students, she prompts them to reflect on their personal experiences, highlighting how traditional gender roles shape professional paths and the disparities in encouragement for STEM skills between boys and girls.
She also addresses biases in textbooks, the unequal distribution of reinforcement classes, and the impact of menstruation on girls’ school attendance, underscoring the necessity for a more gender-sensitive and equitable educational environment.
The video was recorded on 03 April 2024 as part of the TESTEd lecture series. It is part three of a six-part series on “Gender sensitivity in teaching and learning”.
Gender sensitivity in teaching and learning
Part 4 - Gender Sensitivity at Spanish Schools
Lecturer: Prof. Sara González Ángel
Institution: Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Runtime: 00:05:50
Licence: CC-BY-ND 4.0
Upload: 22.07.2024
In the fourth part of the lecture, Sara González Ángel analyses gender biases in Spanish schools, focusing on a study showing boys dominate central playground spaces while girls stay on the periphery. It references the 2022 PISA report, highlighting girls’ higher reading scores and boys’ higher math scores, consistent with global trends.
The video was recorded on 03 April 2024 as part of the TESTEd lecture series. It is part four of a six-part series on “Gender sensitivity in teaching and learning”.
Show notes
- “Architektoniczki exploring feminist urban planning in Spain!”: https://epale.ec.europa.eu/en/blog/architektoniczki-exploring-feminist-urban-planning-spain
- PISA 2022 Results (Volume I and II) – Country Notes: Spain: https://www.oecd.org/en/publications/2023/11/pisa-2022-results-volume-i-and-ii-country-notes_2fca04b9/spain_3e3421b9.html
Gender sensitivity in teaching and learning
Part 5 - Regulations and Protocols in Spain
Lecturer: Prof. Sara González Ángel
Institution: Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Runtime: 00:04:01
Licence: CC-BY-ND 4.0
Upload: 22.07.2024
Sara González Ángel discusses the importance of legislation and protocols in Spain, particularly in relation to gender equality in the classroom. She explains how national laws are adapted for each autonomous community, requiring regional protocols of action to address specific situations, such as the well-being of members of the educational community. Differences between regions are highlighted, such as Andalusia including teachers in protocols, while the Canary Islands focus only on students while presenting relevant legislative portals and documents.
The video was recorded on 03 April 2024 as part of the TESTEd lecture series. It is part five of a six-part series on “Gender sensitivity in teaching and learning”.
Show notes
- Ley Orgánica 3/2020, de 29 de diciembre, por la que se modifica la Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación: https://www.boe.es/buscar/act.php?id=BOE-A-2020-17264
- Ley Orgánica 8/2021, de 4 de junio, de protección integral a la infancia y la adolescencia frente a la violencia: https://www.boe.es/diario_boe/txt.php?id=BOE-A-2021-9347
- Equality Portal of the Andalusian Ministry of Education: https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/educacion/portals/web/igualdad
- The Coexistence Portal of the Andalusian Ministry of Education: https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/educacion/portals/web/convivencia-escolar
- The Equality Portal of the Canary Islands’ Ministry of Education: https://www.gobiernodecanarias.org/educacion/web/programas-redes-educativas/programas-educativos/educa-igualdad/planes_institucinales/index.html
- The Coexistence Portal of the Canary Islands’ Ministry of Education: https://www.gobiernodecanarias.org/educacion/web/programas-redes-educativas/programas-educativos/educa-igualdad/protocolos/
Gender sensitivity in teaching and learning
Part 6 - Case studies of gender sensitive teaching practices
Lecturer: Prof. Sara González Ángel
Institution: Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Runtime: 00:30:10
Licence: CC-BY-ND 4.0
Upload: 22.07.2024
In this part of the Lecture Sara González Ángel outlines four real cases in Spanish schools involving different issues concerning gender and the activation of various protocols, i.e. against bullying or to protect trans-students.
These cases illustrate the varying effectiveness and scope of regional educational protocols in Spain.
The video was recorded on 03 April 2024 as part of the TESTEd lecture series. It is part one of a six-part series on “Gender sensitivity in teaching and learning”.
Show notes
- Gender violence protocol information brochure. Government of the Canary Islands: https://www.gobiernodecanarias.org/cmsweb/export/sites/educacion/web/programas-redes-educativas/_galerias/galeria_documentos/educarigualdad/protocolo-violenica-genero/triptico_igualdad_v9.pdf
- Trans protocol information brochure. Government of the Canary Islands: https://www.gobiernodecanarias.org/cmsweb/export/sites/educacion/web/_galerias/descargas/otros/triptico_protocolo_acompanamiento_trans.pdf
- Publicado en BOJA el Protocolo de actuación sobre identidad de género en el sistema educativo andaluz: https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/educacion/portals/web/igualdad/material-didactico/-/libre/detalle/I1bpRV9nnK9j/protocolo-de-actuacion-sobre-identidad-de-genero-en-el-sistema-educativo-andaluz
- Guía para la prevención del riesgo de conductas suicidas y autolesiones del alumnado: https://serendipia.icu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Guia_del_protocolo_de_actuacion_para_la_prevencion_del_riesgo_ante_conductas_suicidas_o_autolesiones_del_alumnado.pdf